About Our Funds

SCF Managed Funds

Solano Community Foundation manages funds that are established by individuals, families, organizations, and businesses to benefit the charities of their choice.  Areas of interest include: education and youth programs, scholarship programs, health care and access, arts, animal welfare, and community projects, to name a few.

Endowed Funds

Endowed funds are permanent and classified as restricted. An endowed fund will remain under the management of the Solano Community Foundation in perpetuity, continuing to benefit the organizations and causes you select forever.

Non-Endowed Funds

Non-Endowed Funds are not permanent and classified as unrestricted. Non-endowed funds do not earn dividends and gains and are assessed higher annual administrative fees.

Grants Made From Our Funds

The purpose of establishing a Fund with the Foundation is to make grants from it. Grants are made to qualified public charities (this includes scholarships to educational institutions) so that those in need have the opportunity to improve their quality of life.

“The Solano Community Foundation has changed Solano County for the better! As the recipient of funds from one of SCF’s fundholders, Children’s Nurturing Project (CNP) was able to provide support for Solano County families with children who have special needs. CNP has found that donors truly love to make a difference in the lives of those who benefit from their grants. Many create an endowment fund as a remembrance of a family member, or to recognize someone who made a positive impact on their lives. The Solano Community Foundation also provides grant writing classes and access to funding opportunities, via a website that I log into almost daily. Bottom line, without this community resource, Solano County would not have the safety net that SCF provides!” - L. Ann Taylor, Development Coordinator at Children’s Nurturing Project.