Fund Information

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This Endowment Fund’s purpose is to make annual grants to help support three designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organizations serving residents of Solano County. 

Batten Disease Support & Research Association (BDSRA) is dedicated to funding research for treatments and cures, providing family support services, advancing education, raising awareness, and advocating for legislative action. Founded in 1987, by parents seeking to build a network for those diagnosed with Batten disease, BDSRA is now the largest support and research organization dedicated to Batten disease in North America. BDSRA believes that to effectively unravel the mysteries of Batten disease, the worlds of medical science, research, and families must work together toward a common goal: discover treatments and cures.

Judith A. Grant, the Founder of BDSRA was the mother of three children with Batten disease. Knowing of other families with children also diagnosed with Batten disease, Mrs. Grant had the foresight to see the need for an organization of families that would foster support, education, information, referrals and advocacy. She also saw the need to promote research through the combined efforts of families and professionals.  Funding will help support research on Batten disease, and help organizations offer a comprehensive program of information and support services for patients and their families.

Batten disease is a fatal, inherited disorder of the nervous system that typically begins in childhood. Early symptoms of this disorder usually appear between the ages of 5 and 10 years, when parents or physicians may notice a previously normal child has begun to develop vision problems or seizures. In some cases the early signs are subtle, taking the form of personality and behavior changes, slow learning, clumsiness, or stumbling. Over time, affected children suffer cognitive impairment, worsening seizures, and progressive loss of sight and motor skills. Eventually, children with Batten disease become blind, bedridden, and demented. Batten disease is often fatal by the late teens or twenties. As yet, no specific treatment is known that can halt or reverse the symptoms of Batten disease. Visit to learn more.

Solano Pride is an organization welcoming any that wish to work together with them toward an inclusive community for all regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.  Since 1998 the organization has been working in Solano County to ensure that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and Intersex individuals have a network of resources and educational tools to meet their needs. Solano Pride depends on dedicated volunteers to be able to offer and operate their programs and activities. Originally founded as the Advisory Committee for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in 1998, Solano Pride quickly broadened its focus and changed its name. Over the years Solano Pride Center has offered a variety of community building, recreational, and informational activities, including an information and referral line, a speakers bureau, and weekly groups for women, men, and youth over the age of 13. Visit to learn more.

The idea for the 10-33 Foundation began in October 2011 with a request for help regarding a struggling first responder.  With that, a vision was planted.  In November 2011 a few former and active first responders got together and began the task of building the 10-33 Foundation. The "10-33" portion of the Foundation's name has a double meaning.  10-33 is a common "10 Code" used by many police agencies to signal an alarm; that something is wrong. There was something alarming happening in the world and lives of first responders (dispatchers, law enforcement/corrections, fire/emergency medical services, military veterans).
 Statistics showed disproportional levels of divorces, family violence, substance abuse and suicides, and it was clear that something needed to be done.

The Foundation's name is also in reference to Luke 10:33, one of the most famous parables from the Bible, and from where we get the Samaritan law.  In verse 10:33, a Samaritan (an outsider) who is traveling sees an injured man on the side of the road and the Samaritan "...was moved with compassion..."  The story continues in verses 34 and 35 explaining that the Samaritan went out of his way to aid the injured man, getting him to a safe place, stayed the night to ensure that the injured man was okay and paid for his stay during his recovery.  Staffed by current and former first responders and family of first responders, they understand firsthand the struggles of living in these career fields. Through compassion for those living the life the Foundation's mission is to offer assistance through education and crisis response services in which to provide tools to help them lead healthier lives, marriages and careers.  The 10-33 Foundation seeks outside funding to avoid any cost to those they are helping.  Visit to learn more.


Jul 22, 2016

Interest Area

Human & Social Services