Fund Information

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The Education Plus! grant cycle for 2023 is closed. 

Back-to-School grants.  From the thirty-two funding requests received, SCF was able to award 18 small grants totaling $22,500.  These grants were made in September to nonprofits and faith-based organizations to help with the purchase of supplies and back packs for children starting or returning to school in Solano County.  The grant amounts varied between $1,000 and $1,500 per award.

Grantee Report Required.  Grantees who received the September grants are required to submit a brief written report to let us know how they spent the monies. Click on this link, EDPL Grantee Report Form to quickly and easily submit your report online using Google Forms.

2024 Funding.  As funding becomes available, SCF plans to solicit applications from eligible Solano County public school teachers in grades K-12, and from 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations serving Solano County students.  SCF's Education Plus! funding goals are to reduce poverty at its root cause, specifically for reading and math improvement.  Funding will support educational projects committed to achieving and improving reading and math skills at grade level, and projects that address employment training and job readiness needed for youth and young adults.

Small grants up to $1,000 may be awarded to school teachers to support projects that exhibit the “Plus! Factor,” i.e., those that enhance learning, create unique learning experiences for participants, improve student achievement, and augment the overall educational experience in unique and successful ways.  

Slightly larger grants, up to $2,500 maybe awarded to qualified nonprofit organizations to support reading and math programs, to include remedial and mentoring projects, intervention programs, and after-school and summer programs.  Grant monies will also support employment education and training and job readiness projects, specifically those expected to make the greatest positive impact for participants.  Award amounts will vary depending upon the scope and purpose of each funding request. 

We sincerely thank the many local businesses, individuals, and corporations have partnered with Solano Community Foundation since 2000 to support this program. The Frank H. and Eva B. Buck Foundation have been champions of SCF's Education Plus! Program since its inception, and until the Buck Foundation closed in 2016.

In 2015 and 2016 SCF received three very generous grants from the Frank H. and Eva B. Buck Foundation.  This support significantly increased our Education Plus! grantmaking efforts and community impact prior to 2020.  SCF depends on funding support to help our Education Plus! Program make an even greater investment in our youth and communities.   Donations made to this Ed Plus! Fund helps SCF form new partnerships to support education for children and their families in Solano County.


Dec 06, 2000

Interest Area

Education & Scholarships